Monday, March 4, 2019


Hi guys, so in terms of our poem, my group and I have worked on a possible poem that can be recited. It will be read in the Spanish language from North-Eastern Spain. My group member decided the best reason for this would be that it has a nice aesthetic to it, and it will undertone the immigrants living in the United States. We also share a mutual friend that speaks the language, and the accent itself adds a nice touch to the opening. Here's what we have so far in terms of the poem:

Soy un tulipan, y tu eres el agua
Me ahogo en tus infinidades
Me pierdo en tus aventuras
Corro en tus indecisiones
No me encuentro en tus locuras
Me encanto con tus maneras de confundirme
Eres mi debilidad
Estoy perdido en tu ignorarme
Ir escapar de tu principio de tu marchad
Soy un tulipan, y tu eres el agua

This translates to:

I am a tulip, and you are the water
I drown in your infinity
I get lost in your adventures
I run in your indecisions
I can't find myself in your madness
Charmed with yours ways of confusing me
You're my weakness
I'm lost in your ignoring me
Going and escaping from your start to your departure
I am a tulip, and you are the water

I have to give full credit to my partner who came up with the poem, and she took influence from a class she is taking, AP Spanish Literature.

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